Sit and Be Fit (1700) (10/30 minute programs)

A popular exercise series designed to make exercise fun, easy and safe for people of all ages. Programs focus on therapeutic exercises that make everyday activities easier to perform including core strengthening, balance work, stretching and relaxation. Host, Mary Ann Wilson, RN designs programs with physical therapists, using creative choreography and a diverse selection of music. Her warmth and encouragement effectively reaches out to people of all fitness levels and ages. She is especially loved by older adult viewers, children, and those managing chronic conditions and physical limitations.

Airs Friday beginning 1/25 at 2 a.m.


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  • #1701 – Heel to Toe Functional Fitness – In this workout Mary Ann focuses on core strengthening, balance, finger dexterity and improving range of motion. Dr. Emily shares the “short foot” exercise.
  • #1702 – Body Alignment and Core Strengthening – In this episode Mary Ann focuses on the details of proper body alignment and core strengthening throughout the workout. Dr. Emily shows how to use “short foot” in a sit-to-stand progression.
  • #1703 – Wake Your Body with Exercise – In this lively functional workout Mary Ann uses a towel to improve range of motion. Gretchen leads a finger segment for the brain featuring college football hand signs and Dr. Emily shares a foot release homework assignment.
  • #1704 – Exercise Interventions for Functional Fitness – Mary Ann incorporates exercises that can be practiced daily to promote functional fitness and independence. Dr. Emily shares a pelvic floor exercise to strengthen the core.
  • #1705 – Pamper Your Feet – This episode is packed with variety and several guest appearances. Mary Ann and Dr. Emily share exercises to stimulate your feet and keep them healthy.
  • #1706 – Lymphatic Health Special – Physical Therapist, Diana Smith, explains the role of the lymphatic system in removing toxins from the body. Mary Ann devotes this episode to a variety of movements and exercises that stimulate healthy lymphatic flow including a self-massage relaxation segment.
  • #1707 – Tai Chi With Tino – Tai Chi exercises are good for balance training and fall prevention. Mary Ann introduces guest Tai Chi instructor, Tino, who leads viewers in a fun “Tai Chi By The Sea” segment.
  • #1708 – Brain and Balance – Mary Ann shares exercises that improve postural strength and finger dexterity. Gretchen leads viewers through a fun segment that challenges the brain and balance systems with reaction time and patterning exercises. Dr. Emily shares a balance tip.
  • #1709 – Tone and Stretch – Mary Ann uses a towel, large ball and weights to guide viewers through a full body workout to improve strength and range of motion. A variety of fun music is used throughout. Dr. Emily shares a balance tip. The episode ends with a gentle relaxation segment.
  • #1710 – Balance Your Body – In this episode, Mary Ann leads viewers through a workout designed to balance out the body to improve functional fitness. Dr. Emily shares an exercise to strengthen balance and help reduce fall risk.
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