Daily Archives: May 23, 2019

3 posts

Sauti: Refugee Girls Speak

A documentary that profiles five teenaged girls in a Ugandan refugee settlement. With tenacity, tenderness and imagination, they approach their uncertain futures to create new lives of their own choosing. The film, told in the voices of the refugee girls, witnesses the power of girls struggling for agency and self-determination against the odds, and inspires audiences to reframe their ideas about the daily realities, hopes, and dreams of refugees.

Airs 5/30 at 3 a.m.



Without a Net: The Digital Divide in America

Many of us assume that the world, or at least the country, is now fully connected, but throughout American classrooms, there exists a digital divide. In a shockingly large number of schools, access to technology, connectivity, and teacher-training is nonexistent. Many of those underserved schools are located just a few miles from fully equipped schools with technologically adept teachers in better funded districts. This new film from Academy Award® nominated, Primetime Emmy Award winning Director/Producer Rory Kennedy, in which we see the situation through the eyes of students, educators, and policy experts and advocates across the country, clearly lays out the steps we must take a to bring our public education system into the 21st century.

Airs 5/30 at 2 a.m.

Full video



Online Learning with Skillshare

Skillshare is an online learning platform with over 20,000 classes in design, fine arts, tech, personal crafts, and more. RRLC has subscribed to Skillshare.com and has 5 individual user account licenses that RRLC members may request on a first-come first-served basis.

Accounts are active for two weeks, during which time you are free to access the videos on Skillshare.com. At the end of your access time, your account privileges will be deactivated, although your account will remain open on Skillshare.com – so that you may request access again as you need more training.

Access the Skillshare library 24/7—even from your iPhone, iPad, Android device, or other mobile device—and watch an entire course or single tutorial video as you need them.

Certificates of completion are available by request; after a course has been completed, contact cbroomfield@rrlc.org to request a certificate. Once your request has been processed and verified, we will email your certificate.

Accounts can be requested by submitting the form at this RRLC page.