Yearly Archives: 2019

513 posts

Lazy People Saving the World

The UN has a series of Sustainable Development Goals for the health of our future. These include:

  1. No Poverty
  2. Zero Hunger
  3. Good Health and Well-Being
  4. Quality Education
  5. Gender Equality
  6. Clean Water and Sanitation
  7. Affordable and Clean Energy
  8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
  9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  10. Reduced Inequalities
  11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
  12. Responsible Consumption and Production
  13. Climate Action
  14. Life Below Water
  15. Life on Land
  16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  17. Partnerships

To meet these goals, they have developed a number of plans. These include the ActNow Campaign – supporting climate action, the Be the Change Initiative – which includes a Be the Change Challenge Toolkit, and, my personal favorite, the Lazy Person’s Guide to Saving the World. This guide lays out four different levels of action.

Level 1: Things you can do from your couch.

Level 2: Things you can do at home

Level 3: Things you can do outside your house

Level 4: Things you can do at work

To see details of what you can do at each of these levels, check out their website, or download and print out the .pdf.

Blackademics Television: #602 RIDERS / ADAMS / KABUI

airs Mondays 3 a.m. beginning 12/9 (600 series has 5/30 minute programs) (500 series has 6/30 minute programs) –  – Top Black Studies scholars engage with projects and research focused on education, performance and youth empowerment.

Husband/wife hip hop duo Riders against the Storm replace digital technology with practices to better connect us. Anthropologist Dr. Adams encourages thoughtful listening with a talk on the art of the cab ride. Chef Kabui encourages sustainable organic food use.

airs 12/16 at 3 a.m.




Harvest traces the history and evolution of the farming and agricultural community in upstate New York over six generations through the lives and stories of farming families and the communities they help build. The documentary is produced by WMHT Public Broadcasting in Albany. Utilizing rare archival photographs and film footage, first-person accounts of historical characters, personal memories and analysis, along with breathtaking cinematography, this new documentary chronicles the critical contribution the farming community has made in the development of the culture and customs across Upstate New York.Woven within the narrative of the film are biographies of dozens of normal everyday area farmers and their families whose triumphs and often devastating personal and economic struggles help punctuate the incredible story of rural life in the region. Along with their journey, we see the life-altering innovations and scientific developments in farming that helped to transform Upstate New York’s landscape. It?s been said that farming is the “profession of hope,” and no other endeavor has had a more profound effect on the growth and development of nearly every city and village across New York State. Even today, after more than a century and a half of industrial dominance, countless acres of fertile and functioning farmland continues to populate the landscape. Yet the story of how the farming community developed and evolved and the role of individual citizens in working and building the land and communities that surrounded them remains relatively unknown. The story of the emotional connection that generations of farming families have with the land, and the physical and emotional price paid to sustain that land is truly the story of Upstate New York’s history. Harvest is an oral history chronicling the life, struggles and achievements, and most importantly, the lasting legacy of the Upstate New York farming community–complete with the human drama from generations of families who help shape the incredible history of the region. Filled with hundreds of family photos and rare film footage and the personal recollections of the people who have made farming their life’s work.

airs 12/12 at 8 p.m.



Mr. Rogers:  It’s You I Like

A celebrity-filled, hour-long special, celebrates Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, the pioneering PBS series that premiered nationally 50 years ago and became an iconic and enduring landmark in the world of children’s television and beyond. Cast members from the groundbreaking series share their personal perspectives and insights in this new production, which pays tribute to television’s longest-running children’s series, still broadcast on many PBS stations today. The program also features interviews with numerous celebrities who have been influenced and inspired by Fred Rogers, a modest man who always said, “I am not a teacher, I simply help children learn.”

airs 12/11 at 9:30 p.m



12/5 Council Highlights

On Thursday of last week, our School Library Council and Communication Coordinators met for our quarterly liaison meeting. Here are the highlights:

Library Automation/Follett: Sally updated Five Systems in August and will update again over February break. The export uses server resources, so she can’t do this while school is in session. She has also imported the student pictures for all schools except Webster and East Rochester.

Arts in Ed: If you have decided on an author, illustrator or storyteller for this school year, please submit your Celebrities in the Schools form to Wendy Petry as soon as possible.

Authors are often sending contracts to schools for visits. Please read any contract carefully and sign it if you feel your school can follow the requests lined out. Their contract usually contains a list of requirements for their visit, covering class size limits, availability of books, and any needs for the day of the event.

BOCES generally does not sign author contracts because we send out a contract from our office with the arrangements for initial payment, hotel stay and reimbursement of expenses. Outside of these arrangements, the school will provide what is requested during an author visit.  The author’s representative can provide specifics on what is needed.  You can always touch base with our office if you have questions or want to discuss what is requested.

Electronic Databases: Barb is in the process of obtaining statistics for many of our purchased databases and will hopefully send them out by the end of the month. Stats will cover July through November.

Upcoming PD: Liesl presented a list of upcoming workshops. She also reported on our “We Buy It, You Try It” kits and how to request them. See the attached documents for the listings and instructions.

Multimedia: Safari has changed its reporting process on the backend. This is why Sally has been unable to pull reports this year. We met Friday morning to learn their new process and you should receive statistics again soon. The beginning of this year will be grouped together, but after that it will be pulled monthly.

Directors Report: Katie reported that MyOn is leaving SCORE, so this will no longer be available through Library Database Purchasing. She also reported on the SLS Mini-Grants that were awarded and the purchasing caveats for Overdrive ebooks and audiobooks. She clarified for us that the MacMillan lending model that has been so widely publicized does not currently affect school library purchases. It only affects public library purchases. Also, SORA is the preferred ebook reader for our Overdrive collection. The only ebooks we currently can’t access through SORA are the old ebooks we purchased as .pdf files. If you want training on SORA or to discuss an Advantage collection, Katie can come out to talk with you.

Reports from around the table:

  • Pittsford Elementary librarians have been taking a deep dive into the standards and selecting focus standards
  • Irondequoit Public Library has a new Director. He was at Gates prior.
  • Howard Enis says thank you to the five systems team because he has been borrowing a ton of books through ILL for 9th grade. FRES had Nikki Grimes for an author visit, and a book fair. Twelve Corners will be redesigning this summer.
  • East Rochester had a book fair as well. They also had a wonderful free author visit by local author Kathy Foster.
  • Rush Henrietta is updating the districts ICT scope and sequence (which is the integration of tech skills). They are working on identifying places they can build in research through common learning experiences.
  • Ana Canino-Fluitt was recently elected to NYLA council and got to attend her first council meeting. Next month is advocacy season. It’s great to have someone who can provide this level of insight into NYLA at our table.
  • East Irondequoit HS has had ongoing dialogue with Irondequoit Public Library Y/A librarian. Has been a great experience.

Don’t forget to do your HOUR OF CODE this week!

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Boynton House:  The Next Hundred Years

FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT’S BOYNTON HOUSE: THE NEXT HUNDRED YEARS provides an exclusive look inside the painstaking process of restoring and rehabilitating a historic home. Even today, the Boynton House – one of the few Frank Lloyd Wright creations still functioning as a private, single-family residence instead of a museum – stands out among the traditional Tudors and colonials.

airs 12/5 at 9:30 p.m.

Full Video


A Wider World #2007

Disabilities Today is a positive, informative, resource for persons with disabilities, by providing current information regarding rehabilitation trends, technological advances, travel, recreation, and community based opportunities for persons or families with disabilities. It is estimated that 80% of American families will acquire some type of disability at some point in their lifetime.

#2007 airs 12/14 at 9:30 a.m. – Discover how one business is employing people with visual impairments.



Hour of Code is Next Week!

Next week is this year’s Hour of Code celebration. Do you have a plan for your students?

Hour of Code is a week-long celebration of computer science, encouraging people to take one hour out of their week, to try learning a little bit of code. The celebration was developed to demystify coding, and to show that anyone can learn the basic underlying principles of it.

Here are a handful resources for you to use with your students:

Hour of Code Activities


Tynker for Schools (paid curriculum)

Swift Playgrounds (Apple App): Student Guide / Teacher Guide

And Finally…


Tuesday, December 10th!

Reminder – Council Meeting

SLS Council/Communications Meeting

There is a School Library System Council/Communication Coordinators Meeting tomorrow – Thursday, December 5th. The meeting will be held at 15 Linden Park in Room 2B from 2:30 to 4:00 pm.

We will have highlights for you in this blog on Monday.

We are looking forward to seeing our council members!

For more information about Council, see our webpage.